Register With SDS
Welcome to Kennesaw State University! If you would like to set up an accommodation plan with Student Disability Services (SDS), please follow the steps below:
Step 1:
Complete the Online Intake Form. The Intake Form serves as your formal request for services. You may complete this form at any point once you have been accepted into the University. The registration process takes time; all students are encouraged to register with SDS in a timely manner. Ideally, you should submit your request for services at least 4 weeks before the semester you will begin classes. Registering late in the semester can delay implementation of your accommodations.
Step 2:
Upload documentation of your disability following the Documentation Guidelines with the Online Intake Form. Alternative ways to submit documentation include fax, mail, or email. Please note that we cannot ensure confidentiality of information sent through email. Review the Contact Information link to get the contact information for your campus.
Step 3:
Please allow up to ten (10) business days for your Intake Form and documentation to be processed. Your information will be reviewed by the Disability Service Provider (DSP) of your primary campus in order to determine your eligibility for services. You will be contacted through your 正规博彩十大网站排名 student email once your information is reviewed and provided with further instructions regarding your next steps.
Step 4:
Once you have been determined eligible for services, you will be instructed to schedule an Intake Appointment with your DSP for your primary campus via your 正规博彩十大网站排名 email. During the Intake Appointment, your accommodation plan will be determined and you will be informed of the SDS policies and procedures. This step is required to finalize your registration with SDS.